2025 Summer Staff

Camp Mitchell strives to provide a brave, affirming, celebrating team oriented environment with a special emphasis on wellness. We hope to create an environment where not only our campers can thrive, but our staff can too! We lean on each other when times get tough and we lift each other up in times of celebration at Camp Mitchell.

Summer Staff is an amazing opportunity to give back to camp in more ways than just connecting with our campers. It is also about learning to work together as a team of young people. Camp Mitchell hopes to be a place that empowers and celebrates our staff. We believe in order for a staff to be strongest it must be made up of all kinds of folks. We are looking for a diverse and dynamic staff excited to learn, grow, and help Camp Mitchell thrive this summer.

Summer Staff Requirements

To ensure the safety of our summer camp community week to week, each and every person on staff will participate in a vetting process. Full-time summer staff members must complete an application, interview, background check, online safe-guarding trainings, and a two-week in-person staff training at the beginning of the summer (paid weeks) which includes a basic first-aid certification from the Red Cross. Weekly session volunteers and Leaders-in-Training will also be required to complete applications, interviews, background checks, trauma-informed-care training, extensive DEI training and special needs trainings, and safe-guard trainings. Each week, all staff present will participate in emergency preparedness training in addition to supplemental trainings necessary for the week ahead.

Staff Applications are OPEN!

Leaders-In-Training Program

If you are having trouble navigating the LIT application process, please email andy@campmitchell.org.

Camp Mitchell offers a training program for teenagers hoping to serve on staff once they are over 19 - or simply looking to spend bonus weeks at camp in a leadership role building skills for the future and making an impact on the campers we serve.

All LIT Staff must be at least 15 years old by June of the summer camp season. If you served on the LIT staff in a previous summer, it does not guarantee you a spot on the LIT staff the following summer. All applicants are required to go through the same application process and if chosen to be a LIT, you must attend one of our LIT training opportunities in its entirety.

Adult Summer Volunteer Program (Week long, Overnight, and Daytime volunteer opportunities)

Traditionally the only volunteer staff members we seek out are our teenage volunteers in our CIT program and our Session Staff Teams. This summer we will be organizing our volunteer opportunities at Camp Mitchell a little differently. We will be looking for extra support on our Spiritual Formation Team (what will feel most similar to the traditional week-long Session Staff experience), Music team (extra support throughout the week and/or for our closing service), but there will also be opportunities to sign up for other types of volunteering that does not require an overnight or week-long stay. It all just depends on how you want to give back to camp!

If you are looking to give back/enjoy camp, but aren't ready/don't want to commit to a full summer on staff this is the application for you! Staff or Camper Alumni?? We looking at you! Camp misses you! And this mountain is better with you on it. New to Camp Mitchell? We wanna know you and this mountain is better with you on it too!